Technical Divisions
The technical divisions are located on the ground floor of the Central Library building in Sabah Al Salem University City. In divisions, essential technical procedures are performed such as: acquisition, Cataloging classification and processing of print and non - print materials in all formats. In addition to donating and exchanging of books and other printed materials.
Arabic Acquisition Division
This division supplies KUL with all Arabic materials though its contacts with vendors and distributors. Acquisition of materials is a result of the coordinated efforts between the library Faculty committees, academic departments and acquisition division.
Foreign Acquisition Division
This division supplies non - Arabic materials in all formats through local and international publishers and vendors based on the selections made by faculty members.
Arabic Cataloging Division
Arabic print and non - print materials are classified and cataloged in this division according to the AACR2 (Anglo - American Cataloging Rules 2nd ed.) with provisions for Arabic and the Arabized Dewey Decimal classification system.
Foreign Cataloging Division
This division Catalog and classifies non-Arabic printed and non-printed books according to the Library of Congress (LC) and the Cataloging System follows the RDA rules and uses (Classification Plus – Bibliofile – OCLC) programs.
Entering all the data for information resources into the (Sierra) System.
Printing Spine Labels that include the call number for all printed and non-printed resources.
Preparing information resources and implement (Barcoding, RFID) and preparing lists for distribution to University Libraries according to the requests and specializations.
Periodicals Division
This division is responsible for the acquisition of both print and electronic periodicals as per each library committee requests. This includes follow up of the periodicals in addition to registration and distribution to the various libraries.
Gift & Exchange Division
This division plays substantial role in supporting and enhancing cooperation between Kuwait University and other scientific and educational institutions, ministries, government establishments, and research centers inside and outside Kuwait. Furthermore, the division receives publications from other libraries. Distributes Kuwait University publications to more than 350 institutions, and participates in book exhibitions.
Collection Development Unit
Affiliated to the Director of the Libraries Department, it is responsible for evaluating information sources and following up on the development of library collections for various printed and non-printed information sources necessary to meet the needs of educational and research programs in coordination with libraries and scientific departments, in accordance with the collection development policy.
Library Systems and Technology Unit
Affiliated to the Director of the Libraries Department, where it supervises the automated systems owned by the Libraries Administration and provides continuous technical support. It monitors the workflow of its devices and systems, supervises the training of the administration's employees on the use of the its systems, supervises the maintenance of its owned systems, provides support for the inventory process including needed devices and software, sets technical specifications, and participates in studying the offers for these systems.