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Library Systems and Regulations

Circulation Policy

For the categories of borrowing service beneficiaries, the loan policy has been classified and arranged according to the categories of beneficiaries of the loan service as follows

Faculty Staff

Professor, assistant professor, teacher, visiting professor

Assistant Academic

Science Assistant, Training Instructor, Teaching Assistant Cartography Teacher, Language Teacher


Postgraduate students, university college students, scholarship students, scholarship students

Assigned university employees



External Borrower

Employees in the public and private sectors, individuals, and students of other public and private universities.

The loan period and the number allowed to be loaned according to the categories of beneficiaries, including

Categories who benefit from the loan service
Number of Allowed Items
Circulation Period
Faculty Staff


One Semester

Assistant Academic


One Month

Graduate Students


One Month

Assigned university employees


Two Weeks



Two Weeks

External Borrower


Two Weeks


Overdue Notices:

1.  Faculty Members
  • The first notification form is sent as a hard copy and by e-mail to the category of faculty members in the eligibility of courses, where they are required to return the loaned materials or renew their borrowing.

  • The second notification is sent to the category of faculty members ten working days after the end of the secondment period.

  • The library has the right to apply the delay fine stipulated in the loan policy in the event the faculty member does not respond to the notice of delay.


2.   Other Categories (Assistant Academic Staff, Students, Staff, External Users)
  • In case of delay, the beneficiary will be notified by phone or e-mail to return the loaned items.

  • Appropriate actions will be taken if the beneficiary cannot be reached through the above-mentioned means



1.   Late fines
  • A fine of 250 Fills is expected for each day of delay, provided that the fine for each book does not exceed 8 Kuwaiti dinars. The borrower is exempted from paying any fine if he returns the loaned items during the first three days of the delay. But if he exceeds it until the fourth day, then a fine of the entire four days is expected at the rate of one dinar.

  • The borrower can pay a fine for delaying the loaned library materials in any of the university libraries after calling the head of the concerned library.

  • The right to borrow is forfeited until the loaned materials are returned and the fine due is paid.


2. Fines for losing library materials
  • The borrower must pay the value of the book in addition to paying 10 Kuwaiti dinars for each Arabic and foreign book in return for administrative sources.


3. Fines for delaying seized items
  • Signing a fine of 250 Fills for every two hours of delay in returning the borrowed items from the seizure materials, with a maximum of one dinar per day, and the total amount is 10 Kuwaiti dinars.


Terms & Conditions

  1. The borrower has the right to borrow all the information sources he needs available in university libraries and transfer them outside the libraries, except for materials that are not allowed to be circulated outside the libraries: scientific periodicals, references, manuscripts, rare books, original Arabic theses, reserved materials that are reserved by Faculty or library members, UN collections, controlled materials where the approval of the heads of libraries must be obtained before viewing them.

  2. The borrower is allowed to borrow sources of information other than printed resources, audio, video and copy materials, and information resources stored on CD or DVD.

  3. The borrower can borrow the reserved materials for a period of two hours or after the end of the official working hours of the library or during the weekend and on official holidays if they are returned at nine in the morning of the next day.

  4. The library has the right to request to borrow the loaned materials within 48 hours when the library needs it before the end of the loan period.

  5. It is not allowed to borrow Library resources except for university card holders.

  6. The borrower shall bear full responsibility for the loaned library resources, and the responsibility to maintain and return them or renew the loan period and shall not be entitled to lend them or hand them over to other individuals during the loan period.

  7. The borrower shall be responsible for responding promptly to Library notifications regarding borrowed resources by e-mail.

  8. The borrower can renew the loan through e-mail or phone call, in the event that the loaned item has not been booked by another borrower.

  9. In the event of the loss of any of the borrowed materials, the borrower shall be subject to the lost policy and pay the necessary fine or provide a source with the same title as the lost materials.



Faculty Members

The clearance is vacated by completing the clearance form prepared by the group after returning and settling their financial obligations towards the library, if any.


The clearance is made after returning the loaned materials and settling the financial obligations towards the library, if any

University Staff

The clearance is vacated by completing the clearance form prepared by the group after returning and settling their financial obligations towards the library, if any.

External Borrowers

The clearance is not vacated except by returning all the borrowed materials, then returning the borrowing cards to the library administration, making sure that its clearance is automatically vacant, and recovering the insurance amount from the Financial Affairs Department.


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